
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SharePoint 2013: How to Configure the Metadata Service Application using PowerShell


This post describes how to configure the SharePoint Server 2013 Metadata Service Application using PowerShell.


1)  Document the Naming Convention
Determine a naming convention for each of the Service Application components.  Document the naming convention.

Application Pool: SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01
Application Pool Service Account:  Domain\SvcAccount
Application:  SvcApp_SPMetadataServiceApplication_01
Proxy:  SvcApp_SPMetadataServiceApplication_01_Proxy_01  
Database: SvcApp_SPMetadataServiceApplication_01_DB_01

2)  Prepare the Application Pool / Service Account
Example: Subscription Settings Application Pool: SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01 Application Pool Service Account:  Domain\SvcAccount

A) If you are using an existing application pool:
You do not need to create a Service Account nor an Application Pool.  Note the names of each.

Verify Application Pool.
Get-SPServiceApplicationPool | Select Name

Get the existing Application Pool.
$SvcAppPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool "SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01"

B) If you are creating a new application pool:
Determine which service account you will use to run the application pool that will be assigned to the.  If you need to, create and register a service account to run the Subscription Settings Service Application.

Create the Service Application Pool and register it to the Service Account.
$SvcAppPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01"$AppPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Account (Get-SPManagedAccount Domain\SvcAccount)

Verify Application Pool.
Get-SPServiceApplicationPool | Select Name

Get the existing Application Pool.
$SvcAppPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool "SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01"

3)  Open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as Administrator.

4)  Create the Service Application and assign it to the Application Pool.
$SvcApp = New-SPMetadataServiceApplication –ApplicationPool $SvcAppPool -Name "SvcApp_SPMetadataServiceApplication_01" -DatabaseName "SvcApp_SPMetadataServiceApplication_01_DB_01"

Verify Service Application.
Get-SPServiceApplication | Select Name

5)  Create the Service Application Proxy and assign it to the Service Application.
$SvcAppProxy = New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy -Name "SvcApp_SPMetadataServiceApplication_01_Proxy_01" -ServiceApplication $SvcApp

Verify Service Application Proxy
Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | Select Name


Microsoft TechNet (2012).  New-SPMetadataServiceApplication.  Retrieved January 22, 2014 from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff607557.aspx.

Microsoft TechNet (2012).  New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy.  Retrieved January 22, 2014 from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff608097.aspx.

Microsoft TechNet (2012).  Service application cmdlets in SharePoint 2013.  Retrieved January 22, 2014 from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee906561.aspx.

Microsoft TechNet (2012).  SharePoint 2013 - Service Applications.  Retrieved January 22, 2014 from http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/12512.sharepoint-2013-service-applications.aspx.

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