
Thursday, January 23, 2014

SharePoint 2013: How to Configure the Excel Service Application using PowerShell


This post describes how to configure the SharePoint Server 2013 Excel Service Application using PowerShell.


1)  Document the Naming Convention
Determine a naming convention for each of the Service Application components.  Document the naming convention.

Application Pool: SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01
Application Pool Service Account:  Domain\SvcAccount
Application:  SvcApp_SPExcelServiceApplication_01

2)  Prepare the Application Pool / Service Account
Example: Subscription Settings Application Pool: SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01 Application Pool Service Account:  Domain\SvcAccount

A) If you are using an existing application pool:
You do not need to create a Service Account nor an Application Pool.  Note the names of each.

Verify Application Pool.
Get-SPServiceApplicationPool | Select Name

Get the existing Application Pool.
$SvcAppPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool "SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01"

B) If you are creating a new application pool:
Determine which service account you will use to run the application pool that will be assigned to the.  If you need to, create and register a service account to run the Subscription Settings Service Application.

Create the Service Application Pool and register it to the Service Account.
$SvcAppPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01"$AppPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Account (Get-SPManagedAccount Domain\SvcAccount)

Verify Application Pool.
Get-SPServiceApplicationPool | Select Name

Get the existing Application Pool.
$SvcAppPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool "SvcApp_SPServiceApplicationPool_01"

3)  Open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as Administrator.

4)  Create the Service Application and assign it to the Application Pool.
$SvcApp = New-SPExcelServiceApplication –ApplicationPool $SvcAppPool -Name "SvcApp_New-SPExcelServiceApplication_01"

Verify Service Application.
Get-SPServiceApplication | Select Name

Verify Service Application Proxy
Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | Select Name

The Proxy is created when the New Service Application cmdlet is run.  It does not appear that the name of the Proxy may be set or changed independently for this Service Application. 


Microsoft TechNet (2012).  New-SPExcelServiceApplication.  Retrieved January 22, 2014 from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff607809.aspx.

Microsoft TechNet (2012).  Service application cmdlets in SharePoint 2013.  Retrieved January 22, 2014 from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee906561.aspx.

Microsoft TechNet (2012).  SharePoint 2013 - Service Applications.  Retrieved January 22, 2014 from http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/12512.sharepoint-2013-service-applications.aspx.

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